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Avala TV Tower, Serbia

Données des projets

Localisation: Belrgrade, Serbie

TV Tower on the Avala Mountain

Overall height: 205 m
Construction period: 2006-2009


  • tripod as base for the tower shaft
  • base supports with differing cross-sections
  • had to be able to withstand load of 330 t


Ratko Mitrovic Dedinje d.o.o., Belgrade

Avantages pour le client

  • modified falsework and working platforms supplement the cost-effective formwork solution
  • build time reduced by 2 months using PERI systems and the construction site support
Goran Milovanovic, Technical Director
Goran Milovanovic
Technical Director

We want to be the best - therefore, we work together with PERI. This is already our fourth joint large-scale project. With the help of the PERI systems and support, we were able to make up for two months of weather-related delays without any problems. Our trust and confidence in technology and service have been confirmed once again.

Solution PERI

  • formwork and falsework solution with forward and reversed-inclined formwork panels for base construction
  • climbing combination of RCS and VARIO GT 24 with mobile climbing hydraulics for tower shaft with a changing shaft cross section at the start
  • horizontal SB brace frames as the basis for two working platforms for construction of the viewing platforms
  • PERI UP working platform for assembly of the tower and antenna on the top (at a height of 200 m)